Sunday, October 23, 2011


The first thing I did at the start of ETL401 was listen to James Herring’s podcast on Teacher Librarianship. One word from that podcast has continued to repeat over and over, in my mind: ‘REFLECT’.

But at that stage of this subject, I had not quite grasped the enormity of what James Herring meant by this.

As I meticulously explored the readings for ETL401 Assignment 2, the same word kept repeating over and over in my head: ‘REFLECT’. And so, as I was reflecting, I received a particularly encouraging response on the ETL401 subject forum:

‘I agree..if it has to be based on personal experience I am in real trouble as I am not a teacher and have never worked in a school! You can do it Emma! Just look back over your readings and what you have learnt in this subject. Good luck!!’ (Rogers, 2011).

The first puzzle pieces clicked together.

So I was reflecting on what I was reading, but I was having trouble with the idea of reflecting on experiences I have not personally had. Not only that, I am pretty new to blogging so I didn’t really understand its purpose. An example of these initial confusing thoughts is expressed in one of my blog posts:

‘I created my blog a while back... so yes I know how to create one, and the settings are not too hard to work out’ however the thing I was still ‘struggling with was.... the purpose of me posting to my Blog?’ (Conroy, 2011).

You see, I was under the misconception that we were to create a blog, as an exercise to show we knew how to create one. I have been required to carry out similar tasks in other subjects. But I had a feeling I was off the mark, so I did some research and reading on the purpose of blogging. I discovered so much, but the following blogs (briefly annotated, and listed in no particular order) were particularly helpful in establishing my own purpose:

The link to this blog was sent to me by Katherine, another ETL401 student who has been very supportive to me throughout this subject. As a ‘non' Teacher Librarian (TL) myself, the way Katherine has supported me by sharing links like this, has made me feel much less isolated.
Not much else to say, except that I don’t know how I ever lived without this Campaign for Quality School Libraries in AustraliaTL blog!!


James Herring’s Blog is (of course!) always full of helpful information, and is also a very informative and entertaining read.

These sources of inspiration made me realise that I am not alone in my chosen field, just because I am not yet a fully qualified TL.

I also realised quickly that I was meant to be using my blog as a tool in my assignment!

But I was then stuck on how to start my blog.

I decided that the best way to start would be to write down the uncertainties that were in my head, on my blog. Once I started, it felt good to be writing down these doubts. Doing this started to remind me of Carol Kuhlthau’s ISP model and James Herring’s PLUS model, because they both encourage sharing these kinds of feelings, and see initial uncertainty as natural.

More puzzle pieces were clicking together in my head.

As a person who sometimes panics when I am uncertain... I think the way ETL401 intends TL's to view information literacy (as way, WAY more than merely a set of skills!) is such a positive, confidence-boosting way to teach information literacy, and I can’t wait to educate my own school community in the same way, one day when I am a TL managing my own library. I also really look forward to collaborating with other staff and, consequentially, encouraging them to see ‘our lessons in the library’ at the very least, as complemantary to 'classroom activities’ (HUB, 2010).

I realise now that rather than reflecting on obstacles I have (or haven’t) had, this subject (ETL401) has prepared me for obstacles already being faced ‘out there’ in my field, so that when I am a TL managing a school library, I can take on a leadership role and confidently address these obstacles.

Just as Herring suggests using tools such as concept maps and brainstorming (just to mention two of MANY examples) as scaffolding for students to build on their knowledge, I realised that my blog is MY scaffold for this subject, and will continue to be my scaffold throughout my career as a TL. Blogging is such a phenomenal reflective tool (and lets face it, I am now addicted !!).

Thanks to finally understanding its purpose, blogging has thus opened up many new doors for me in terms of collaboration, even though I am not qualified as a TL yet. This is very exciting, especially when I go back through my blog and ‘REFLECT’ on my initial feelings of confusion and uncertainty in regard to teacher-TL collaborative practices.

After looking back and reflecting on the ETL401 subject forum and my own blog posts, I can see how my feelings of being lost and not knowing where to start at the beginning of this subject were similar how a student likely feels at the beginning of a research task. This is why the process of going through Assignment 2 has reminded me of Herring’s PLUS model again.

Even more puzzle pieces click together.

I also realise that I not only needed a more precise understanding of how to educate through such information literacy models, but I also needed a deeper understanding of information literacy, before I could EFFECTIVELY teach it to students. I believe that I will always be reflecting because reflecting is a crucial element of ‘Lifelong Learning’.Information literacy is about being committed to lifelong learning.

I have also formed another belief about teaching information literacy skills across the curriculum, which is reflective of the declaration of Senge (2007) that ‘tools and ideas’ provided by TL’s destroy ‘the illusion that the world is created of separate, unrelated forces’. When experiencing uncertainty at the beginning of a task, information literacy models (such as the ISP model and the PLUS model) enable students to ‘reassemble the fragments’ and ‘organise all the pieces’ of information in their minds (p.3). As ETL401 comes to an end, it seems to me, such viewpoints are parallel to my own realisation that:

clicking puzzle pieces together


Teacher Librarianship!!



Conroy, Emma. K.(2011,October 8). Stop ! Collaborate & Listen : UNDERSTANDING BLOGGING [Web log comment]. Retrieved October, 2011 from

Herring, James. E. (2011).Teacher Librarianship (ETL401) @ Charles Sturt University (CSU) Podcast. Retrieved October, 2011 from

HUB. (2010, May 5). Why do we need TEACHER-librarians in our school libraries?: A Queensland primary teacher librarian responds. The HUB. Retrieved October, 2011 from

Rogers, Karen. (2011, September 16). Identifying an Obstacle [reply to Msg]: ETL401 Assignment 2 Forum. Message posted to

Senge, Peter .M. (2007). Chapter 1: Give me a lever long enough … and single-handed I can move the world. The Jossey-Bass reader on educational leadership (2nd ed),3-15.

Saturday, October 8, 2011


I created my blog a while back... so yes I know how to create one, and the settings are not too hard to work out. But until recently, I had not added any posts (well nothing of much use anyway!), and so I decided to 'wipe it clear' and start again.
The thing I had been struggling with was.... the purpose of me posting to my Blog?...
and more to the point: how was this to help me in ETL401 ? So I did some of my own research, and something really helpful I came across was this:

'There are quite a few reasons to blog, and purposes behind blogging.
Some of them are personal, and some may be business related.

1.Self development
2. Improving writing skills
3. Discovering and tracking your interests and gauging personal growth
4. Collecting information on specific subjects
5. Developing an expertise in a subject
6. Building a community of people with shared and similar interests
7. Sharing information on specific topics with other people who are interested in those fields of knowledge
8. Keeping in contact with family and friends
9. Building a reputation
10. Allowing others to be apprised of your business and professional efforts.

Let me add to the list that it can be a lot of fun. It's really nice when you start hearing from people around the world about something you've written in your blog, or a blog that you write to gets mentioned in a nationwide newspaper, or in a couple of books. Or when someone contacts you about business because of something you blogged'.

(Cre8asite Forums,2010)

I now realise that any apprehensive or overwhelming thoughts that I was having at the beginning of ETL401, should have been expressed on my Blog AS they were happening. I now also see how blogging could have helped me in ETL401 Assignment 1.
Well.. at least my thoughts are posted on here now.
And thankfully the blogging 'light' has been switched on in my head !
Better late than never.

I have to say that I am excited that I have my first follower..... thank you Katherine ;-)

Blog my thoughts..... and then reflect on my posts. Aha. So THIS is why I'm blogging!!

Onward and upward I go :-)


Another requirement for ETL401 Assignment 2 has been to identify an obstacle and then discuss how this obstacle may be addressed. Doesn’t sound too hard, but unfortunately this future Teacher Librarian found simply IDENTIFYING an obstacle to BE an obstacle!! I just couldn’t grasp how I was to tackle this task when I am not actually a permanent Teacher Librarian. Yet.

Well, it seems I was interpreting the task too personally. So, after a lot more reading and THANKFULLY some helpful words of wisdom (from my lecturer Lyn and some really encouraging people also undertaking the subject ) I got there in the end !!

How MY obstacle (of identifying an obstacle) was overcome , is evident in the following posts that have been copied and pasted from the ETL401 ASSIGNMENT 2 FORUM:



Emma Kate Conroy


Wed 14-Sep-11 01:56 pm


Assignment 2

Subject: please: Lyn, Arthur, TL's !!

Task B asks us to:
Identify an obstacle which a teacher librarian might face in developing information literacy across the curriculum in a school, and how that obstacle might be addressed. Reference should be made to relevant literature (about 750 words).

Really, I have no idea what obstacles TL's (who are WORKING permanently (or at least regularly in one school, as a TL) face in developing information literacy across the curriculum in a school. And I do not know how such issues would be addressed. I have never been in that position, and I have nobody I can ask.

What does someone in my position do about this part of the assignment ?
Some assistance would be GREATLY appreciated.
Emma Kate :-)


I received some replies that briefly touched on lack of principal support and the unwillingness of some Teachers to collaborate with the Teacher Librarian. Because I was 'still stuck' (just in case you don't get that idea after reading the forum posts LOL ! :-), the conversation continued.....



Emma Kate Conroy


Fri 16-Sep-11 01:32 pm


Assignment 2


Thanks...but still stuck !!

Hi again..

Thanks so much for all your replies to my question :-)
I am with you that the major obstacles would be along the lines of:
-Minimal Principal support
-Lack of collaboration

However, my issue do I write about either one being an obstacle when I don't know the difference between principal support vs no support & collaboration vs no collaboration.

Emma Kate :-(


From: Lyn Hay Date: Mon 19-Sep-11 03:34 pm To: Assignment 2 Subject: Re: Thanks...but still stuck !!

Hi folks,

Lack of principal support and lack of interest of teaching staff to collaborate with the TL are both obstacles that have been well-documented in the professional and research literature, so there is a lot to draw upon from the readings in this subject and seeking further reading in these areas.

A teacher who has not experienced a number of obstacles as a TL themselves is still able to answer this Ass2 task based on your reading.

Kind regards, Lyn
Lyn Hay
Subject Coordinator
Ph: +61 2 62726221
Skype: lyn_hay


After a lot of reading, and putting that together with my own personal experiences… still not 100 % sure.....



Emma Kate Conroy


Tue 20-Sep-11 04:21 pm


Assignment 2


Re: Thanks...but still stuck !!

Hi Lyn,
Thank you for your response. May I please clarify something:

Lack of interest of teaching staff to collaborate is often due to Lack of principal support...these two obstacles therefore interrelate.

So are we to separate them and choose just 1 of the 2 you have given as examples above ?
Are we to write about the two as 1 major obstacle ?

Thank you Lyn !! :-)

Emma Kate



Lyn Hay


Thu 22-Sep-11 02:32 pm


Assignment 2


Re: Thanks...but still stuck !!

Hi Emma,

You only write about one of these obstacles.

Kind regards, Lyn

Lyn Hay
Subject Coordinator
Ph: +61 2 62726221
Skype: lyn_hay


Emma Kate Conroy


Mon 26-Sep-11 11:27 am


Assignment 2


Re: Thanks...but still stuck !!

Great, thanks Lyn :-)
Emma Kate


FINALLY on track. Yay. :-)


From: Jennifer Baccon Wed 14-Sep-11 11:03 am

To: Assignment 2

Subject: Obstacle

I was thinking of writing about a real obstacle I have with teacher motivation in fully collaboratively planning and teaching in a true partnership sense.



Deanne McGann


Wed 14-Sep-11 04:11 pm


Assignment 2


Response to Emma

Deanne McGann
Dear Emma
My first thoughts included the idea of collaboration or lack of/ barriers to could be one obstacles that you could address.


These two last forum responses from other ETL401 students, have been really helpful to me in choosing which obstacle to tackle. THANK YOU Jennifer and Deanne! Now for the next obstacle.... completing ETL401 Assignment 2 :-)

Friday, October 7, 2011


The following are of particular interest to me (and may be to you as well !) as I am a primary school teacher studying to be a Teacher Librarian in a primary school context...

Kathy Schrock adapts her definition of Information Literacy to apply more specifically to primary aged school students. It is adapted so as the students (as well as the Teacher Librarian or Teacher) can clearly understand what is expected in terms of Information Literacy:
'An information literate student should be able to create a quality product, learn independently, participate effectively as a group member and use information technologies responsibly and ethically' (Schrock, 1995).

An excellent guide for educating parents about how to instill Information Literacy in their children is as follows:
'Instruct your children to consider the reliability of information from the Internet. Explain to them that anyone can put information on the Internet. Teach them to look for the author's qualifications and to find out what the author's sources are. Ask them to consider whether the information on a Web site is being used to sell a product' (Abdullah, 1998; Branch, Kim, and Koenecke, 1999).

Both of these examples are definitely handy for teaching Information Literacy to children and their parents….. but will one of these be THE one chosen for ETL401 Assignment 2 ? Hmmmmm……:-)


I have been thinking and thinking about how to begin my (re-vamped) blog. After pondering over the abundance of useful and interesting information that I have come across during ETL401, I decided that a good way to start this blog is to share some definitions of Information Literacy that I have come across, (whilst trying to choose just ONE for ETL401 Assignment 2) because there are SO many good ones out there…………

From my research and reading about Information literacy, it seems that the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL’s) definition information literacy is popular, referring to Information Literacy as 'a set of abilities requiring individuals to recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate and use effectively the needed information' (ACRL, 2000).

Others focus more on pointing out the personal attributes of a person who is information literate.

An example is that of the Australian Library and Information Association, which simply, and clearly states that 'an information literate person recognises when information is needed and can locate, access, evaluate and apply that information' (ALIA 2003).

Another is that of the American Library Association, who believe that information literate people 'have learned how to learn. They know how to learn because they know how knowledge is organized, how to find information and how to use information in such a way that others can learn from them. They are people prepared for lifelong learning, because they can always find the information needed for any decision or task at hand " (ALA, Presidential Committee on Information Literacy Final Report, 1989).

Professor of Technology in Learning at Northern Arizona University, Christina Doyle also defines information literacy in terms of the attributes of a person. Her definition for information literacy is an integration of ALA's (1989) definition integrated with her own:
"Information Literacy is the ability to access, evaluate, and use information from a variety of resources, to recognise when information is needed, and to know how to learn." (Doyle, C. 1994. Information literacy in an information society: A concept for the information age. Syracuse, NY: ERIC).

I am continually coming across more definitions of Information Literacy.……
now which one to choose !?! :-)